
To me, life is about balance and maintaining a proper global perspective. Often times we get so caught up in our daily lives we lose sight of all of which we have to be grateful.  I have a friend who starts each day reflecting on her gratitude’s. I believe that is a worthwhile discipline.  For me, I have chosen to explore the life issues of those defined as being less fortunate in our world, those making less than $1.50/day, the bottom billion.  I have spent the last fifteen years devoting a considerable amount of my time to bettering the quality of life for those people. But I could never repay them for what they have taught me about living life and being grateful about the simple, often overlooked, things. The primary focus of my work has been focused on (but not limited to) water, food and smoke issues, the factors of daily life that allow us to maintain basic health. You can check out our work at Basic Needs, Simple Solutions here.